Emerging Evidence Points to Health Benefits
Lila Receives Leadership Award from
Reflexology Association of America 2018
The recipient of this award is always
learning, practicing, and promoting reflexology. and has been
actively involved at the State, National, and International level.
She was the driving force in creating a new state association,
which became affiliated & has served as the Vice President &
currently is President. She has been a member of the RAA board of
Directors and is currently serving on the Education Committee. In
2014, she founded Ray of Hope Reflexology school, which she
currently manages and teaches.
September 22, 2015
Lila Mueller, Clinical Reflexologist of Ray of Hope Reflexology in Belgium, WI, recently
attended the International Council of Reflexologists’ Silver Jubilee 2015 15th Biennial
Conference in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK. Twenty countries from around the world
were in attendance with twenty-three Reflexologists from the USA. Lila Mueller is an ICR Member.
Amongst the speakers and presenters were: Father Josef (Taiwan), Hamish Edgar (UK),
Professor Nicola Robinson (UK), Leila Erickson (Denmark), Henrik Hellberg (Sweden),
Vera Krijn (USA), Sally Kay (UK), Spiros Dimitrakoulas (Greece), Lynne Booth (UK),
Marie France Muller (France) and Peter Lund Frandsen (Denmark).
Topics included: Limbic Reflexology, Strengthening Reflexology in Integrated Healthcare,
HLT–Deep Brain Reflexology with Ortho-bionomy, Conditioned Response Reflexology,
Management of Secondary Lymphedema in patients affected by treatment for Breast Cancer,
VRT Techniquesin Sports Injury, Facial Reflexology “Dien Cham”, and Quantum Energy.
The ICR was established in 1990 in Toronto by a group of reflexologists determined to establish
Reflexology as a self-regulating profession. This group resolved to combine their efforts to
ensure public safety and to promote the study and exchange of the knowledge and art of
Reflexology within the profession.
Lila Mueller is board-certified
Reflexology Association of America Chooses Officers